General provisions

This is where you will find the general provisions for exhibitors booking booths in our trade fairs. 


An application is binding for the exhibitor until it has been accepted or refused by Nolia. A binding contract is entered into on the date a confirmation of an order or booking is sent to the exhibitor.


The exhibitor has the right to cancel the contract but must do so in writing and within 14 days of the first received order confirmation (date of posting).

In case of later cancellation the exhibitor will be charged 100% (one hundred per cent) of the stand rental unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation or invoice.  

Application fees and basic fees are never repaid.

Terms of payment

The cost of rental and any booked advertisement is to be paid to Nolia 2 months at the latest before the fair opens or on another due date set by Nolia. In case of late booking, the invoice is to be paid before the fair opens. Nolia does not accept cash as payment of invoices. Payment by card is accepted but a charge of SEK 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) is made in such cases.

All other orders are invoiced at payment terms of 30 days. An invoicing fee is charged on each invoicing occasion. If the invoice is not paid in time, a reminder is sent and a statutory reminder fee is charged. Unpaid invoices are transferred to Svea Inkasso, who will charge interest and other additional fees. 

Terms of booking for e-tickets, visitors

A booking is binding but may be transferred to another person before the visitor is registered for arrival. 
In case of refund due to illness, a doctor’s certificated and a booking number are required. The purchaser is charged a fee equivalent to the card charges for the refund.

Breach of contract

Should the exhibitor breach the terms of the contract and rectification is not made immediately when so requested by Nolia, the exhibitor may with immediate effect be denied participation at the fair in question or future fairs. The agreed stand rental, advertisement and stand service are to be paid nonetheless.


An application is binding for the exhibitor until it has been accepted or refused by Nolia. A binding contract is entered into on the date a confirmation of an order or booking is sent to the exhibitor.


The exhibitor has the right to cancel the contract but must do so in writing and within 14 days of the first received order confirmation (date of posting).
In case of later cancellation the exhibitor will be charged 100% (one hundred per cent) of the stand rental unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation or invoice.
Application fees and basic fees are never repaid.

Terms of payment

The cost of rental and any booked advertisement is to be paid to Nolia 2 months at the latest before the fair opens or on another due date set by Nolia. In case of late booking, the invoice is to be paid before the fair opens. Nolia does not accept cash as payment of invoices. Payment by card is accepted but a charge of SEK 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) is made in such cases.

All other orders are invoiced at payment terms of 30 days. An invoicing fee is charged on each invoicing occasion. If the invoice is not paid in time, a reminder is sent and a statutory reminder fee is charged. Unpaid invoices are transferred to Svea Inkasso, who will charge interest and other additional fees.

Terms of booking for e-tickets, visitors

A booking is binding but may be transferred to another person before the visitor is registered for arrival.
In case of refund due to illness, a doctor’s certificated and a booking number are required. The purchaser is charged a fee equivalent to the card charges for the refund.

Breach of contract

Should the exhibitor breach the terms of the contract and rectification is not made immediately when so requested by Nolia, the exhibitor may with immediate effect be denied participation at the fair in question or future fairs. The agreed stand rental, advertisement and stand service are to be paid nonetheless.

Access to the exhibition space

The exhibition space is to be occupies 24 (twenty-four) hours at the latest before the fair opens. Nolia has otherwise free disposal of the space. The exhibitor shall have his/her stand in order when the fair opens.
The stand may not be occupied until the stand rental has been paid in full. Should the exhibitor choose not to exhibit on the stand despite having paid for the space, Nolia has the right to free disposal of the space. Transferral of the stand space, either in whole or in part, is not permitted.

Safety regulations

It is not permitted to exhibit live animals, explosive articles or anything else that Nolia considers inappropriate from the point of view of safety. Exhibited articles are to comply with the regulations laid down by government authorities and/or control bodies. Exhibitors are reminded of their obligations under the Work Environment Act regarding the exhibition of machinery etc, as stipulated in Chapter 3 Section 8 of the Work Environment Act (SFS1977:1160). Nolia accepts no liability for damage/injury or any injunction as a consequence of non-compliance with regulations or failure to obtain consent. The exhibitor will compensate Nolia for all expenses and damage that occur as a consequence of this.

The exhibitor’s products and services

Nolia reserves the right to decide which product groups may be exhibited within the exhibition area. The exhibitor is obliged to state all products that are intended to be sold and all companies/co-exhibitors in the application. Should the exhibitor sell a product that was not stated in the application, Nolia has the right to decide if this product may continue to be sold or not. The exhibitor is obliged to remain within the stand space agreed in the contract. Failure to do so shall be deemed breach of contract. Should the exhibitor breach the terms of the contract and rectification is not made immediately when so requested by Nolia, the exhibitor may be denied participation with immediate effect.

Goods and services that in Nolia’s assessment, from a quality and aesthetic perspective or otherwise, are clearly inappropriate for the fair, may not be exhibited. Should such goods or services nonetheless be exhibited, they are to be removed immediately when so requested. Nolia is hereby given the right to execute such removal if not done voluntarily.


The exhibitor shall keep his/her stand in good condition. The exhibitor is obliged to observe such adjustments of space and area as circumstances may require. The exhibitor is obliged to adapt his/her stand so that neighbouring stands are not obscured by objects that protrude beyond the agreed stand boundary. Complaints concerning the assigned stand are to be made before the stand space is occupied. If the height of an indoor stand exceeds 2.5 m, a floor plan and structural strength calculation are to be submitted to Nolia for approval 2 months at the latest before the fair opens. Nolia has the right to refuse a construction above 2.5 m if it obscures neighbouring stands or is not sufficiently stable. The exhibitor is obliged to restore the exhibition space to the condition it was in when received. If this is not done, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the cost of such restoration.

Removal of exhibited items

Items may not be removed until the fair’s closing time. All exhibited items are to remain on the stand until the fair closes. Too early removal is deemed breach of contract and a penalty of SEK 5,000 (five thousand) will be charged in such cases.

The exhibition is not to be dismantled until the fair closes and is to be completed at the latest by the time stated for the fair in question.

Other arrangements may be made with Nolia. Should the items not have been removed by the time stated, the exhibitor will compensate Nolia for the costs and damage that may arise. Should the exhibitor not have removed the items by the time stated, Nolia has the right to remove the items and any other equipment at the exhibitor’s expense. If considered necessary, Nolia has the right to destroy property; in such cases the exhibitor shall also pay compensation to Nolia for the inconvenience caused.

Electricity, water and telephone

The exhibitor pays all installation and usage costs. Installation is to be carried out by a qualified entrepreneur designated by Nolia.

Sale of food and drink

The exhibitor may not sell food or drink for consumption at the fair except by special m agreement.

Obligations and prohibitions

It is prohibited for the exhibitor to:

  • a) distribute advertising materials or other information outside the stand.
  • b) erect the stand such that it obscures another exhibitor’s stand, or design the stand in such a way that it, in Nolia’s assessment, aesthetically disturbs neighbouring exhibitors, or carry on activities that restrict or disrupt another exhibitor’s activities, for example loudspeakers or other audio-visual arrangements.
  • c) place items outside the stand area or obstruct fire protection equipment, emergency exits, power distribution boxes,or other installations common to the entire fair.
  • d) use other surface treatment than Nolia’s standard on Nolia’s walls and other material without Nolia’s explicit permission.
  • e) use decoration materials not approved by the fire authorities.
  • f) use an open flame, store gases and flammable liquids inside the exhibition area with the permission of the fire authorities and the fair.
  • g) arrange his/her stand, decorations, demonstrations and sales activities in ways that violate the International Chamber of Commerce’s fundamental rules concerning advertising or that disturb other exhibitors and visitors.
  • h) The exhibitor is under an obligation to ensure that all oral and written marketing is reliable and conforms to the provisions of the Marketing Act.

It is also prohibited for the exhibitor to:

  • i) sell lottery tickets without Nolia’s permission.
  • j) spread political or other propaganda not directly connected to the exhibitor’s products or sales. It may not be carried on on the stand nor elsewhere inside the fair area.


Co-exhibitors and their products are to be approved by Nolia.

Damage and insurance

All responsibility for damage that may be caused to exhibition items both during transportation to and from the exhibition area and while it remains there lies with the exhibitor. Nolia accepts no liability for any damage that may be caused by the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s staff or their belongings in connection with exhibition, nor for injury to the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s staff or damage their belongings. The exhibitor should therefore take out insurance.

Machine demonstrations

Machines with high sound levels or machines that cause damage to the ground may only be demonstrated in an area designated by Nolia. The exhibitor shall restore the ground to its original condition after the demonstration.

Multi-year contracts

Multi-year contracts are now possible at some of our fairs. The advantages vary and are stated in detail for each fair. Nolia’s general terms and conditions apply unless stated otherwise in the order confirmation. Nolia accepts no liability in relation to circumstances that were unknown to us when the contract was entered into. If the fair is cancelled, the exhibitor is entitled to repayment of the money he/she has paid. The exhibitor can never claim damages.

Other terms and conditions

The exhibitor undertakes to abide by all Nolia’s general terms and conditions and other specific provisions that may be issued by Nolia and authorities.
Should circumstances beyond Nolia’s control entail restrictions as regards heating or provision of electrical power or water, the exhibitor is not entitled to repayment of the stand rental or part thereof nor payment of any form of compensation.

Force Majeure

Should Nolia be forced to cancel or postpone the exhibition as a consequence of war, action by authorities, strike, lockout, fire or other comparable event, stand rental will not be repaid. However, the exhibitor has the right, once the exhibition can be held, to priority concerning stand space and possibly, and with the consent of Nolia, be granted a reduction of the stand rental.


Disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall in the first instance be resolved amicably. In the event that this does not lead to agreement, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitrations of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce if the object in dispute exceeds the sum of SEK 500,000. Disputes shall otherwise be finally settled by Umeå District Court.

The Personal Data Act

Nolia will process the exhibitors’ personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Act.

Download the complete document with  Nolias general provisions as a pdf
